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Written and read by Tracie Morris

(In appreciation of Ishmael Reed’s I Am a Cowboy in the Boat of Ra.) 

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” 
— John 1:1 King James Bible

“…b/l/oh/w win(ds)… b/l/oh!”  
— King Lear, Act 3, Scene 2, William Shakespeare

…Oh God (a. coltrane’s sun in-tones)

Oh God (says one coming) 

Oh God (sans “o”, they mean (it).

You? Breath-omni? little-chest?) 

“O” in Oh & “o” in G-d sans O is one-tone. 

Yes it sames. You, tin-eared. 

Oh, 1st sound: joy, (at)las/t, ….knowing: globe-tone.

O, 15th note, circle mouth-….wonder, disdain, vague, ….su(r)prise.

ZerOh. Mouth-pivot. 3 skin layers. dank-down-dark de(r)mises

circle-letters, bronzing curlicue black dot, fine-print it. 

Your clay-made hearing, you, newly-born. Your ear can’t-ear like cat’s year. 

You, Bas/t earshot-jealous: feline-twitches, no-need-turning. 

Punto. What do I do? Drive them circles so they dust. 

They will, Sirocco, scour. Sands. r/h/ound. Ent(r)ails. 

(I see: orbs

what/t/’s inside.)

My will is my in/ten/t. It’s g – – d. It is firmament-made. Its-firm. 

Hole of me is not-me. Its-all. Oh-ve(e)r. And this is why I will win(d). 

(c) 2019 Tracie Morris